Thursday, December 4, 2008

Boaz Goes Home

Yesterday, Boaz was released from the hospital following his successful eye muscle surgery. Below is a picture of him on the taxi ride home. He thinks it's wonderful this amazing change has taken place.

Notice in the picture the spots of lights appear on the same location of each cornea (pediatricians often do the "corneal light reflex test" during well-child checkups). That's a good sign the eyes are properly aligned.

There's still quite a bit of redness from the surgery, but the doctor says it will go away in a few days.

A study of people with strabismus (permanently-crossed eyes) found that 85% report that it causes problems with their work, school and sports. 70% said it had a negative effect on their self-image. So this surgery will be a blessing to Boaz the rest of his life.

For comparison, here's the first picture I saw of Boaz, taken by the Lahash team during their January 2007 visit.

Thanks again to all of the donors and friends for making this possible. It was a team effort. What a great Christmas present and way to share God's love.